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You are viewing Cheat Codes for WWF Smackdown! Just Bring it System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2002-01-26 23:40:06 Views : 29151 55 Bonus Creation Points (Secret Card 12) Select a created superstar and do the following. Turn Vince Down then Talk Trash and Tell Michael Cole you want to kick his butt all over the arena. Go to parking lot for the match and win the Match Show up onstage for the next superstar and win the next match.Win the match at Wrestlemania Wrestle as Fred Durst Select Slobber Knocker and select The Undertaker. Defeat 15 wrestlers in ten minutes Wrestle as Jerry Lynn Select any wresetler who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say that you were just messing. Le the t time run out in roaming. Win the battle royal. Let time run out in roaming. Win the battle royal. Show up on stage. Win the match and the match that follows. Jerry Lynn will now be unlocked Wrestle as Michael Cole Meet Michael Cole in the story mode. Accept his challenge, then successfully defeat him. Michael Cole will now be unlocked Wrestle as Mick Foley Select any wresetler who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash, then say that you want to kick his ass. Go to parking lot to find Vince. Win the match. Show up on stage. Win the match. Lose the match at Wrestlemania. Foley will appear and make it a hell in a cell. Win the hell in a cell match. Mick Foley will now be unlocked Wrestle as Rhyno Select any wresetler who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Run down and attack (if you win, you have an advantage in the following match. KO them to win). Lose the match, stay backstage, then go to Earl Hebner. He will be near the vending machines in the lobby. Tell him you are going after hard core title. Wrestle as Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley To unlock Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, you need to unlock all the SmackDown cards. If you have not unlocked them all, go through one of them again to get to WrestleMania. You will unlock about three to four cards each time. Another way to do it is to defend a belt. Each time you defend, you unlock a card. However, when you are left with about three cards remaining (Shane's and Steph's cards included), you will need to go through story mode and win the WWF title at WrestleMania. To do this, choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say you want to kick his ass. Go to the parking lot to find Vince. Win the match. Show up on stage. Win the match. Then, win the match at WrestleMania. Wrestle as Tajri Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Answer that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say you were messing. To get to Regal's office, go down stairs on left, then go into the door on left before the vending machines. The first on the left is Regal's office. Say that you do not want the Euro title match. Defeat Tajiri to unlock him. New SmackDown! arena Choose Slobber Knocker mode. Choose The Rock and defeat 18 wrestlers in ten minutes. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more WWF Smackdown! Just Bring it cheat codes.
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